Living in Santa Barbara, CA with his wife (Dr. Sandra Richter) and two daughters, Dr. Steve Tsoukalas is not often on campus. However, with a deep passion for Christ-followers to be rooted in the essential doctrines of Christianity, Dr. Tsoukalas is an invaluable part of what God is doing through Emmaus Biblical Seminary in Haiti, whether he’s teaching online or on island.
With Emmaus students continuing to identify “heretical preaching” as one of the major problems of the church in Haiti, we are thankful to have Dr. Tsoukalas, with his deep desire to educate Christians in a world full of false religions, on board.
Dr. Tsoukalas has taught a lot different subjects in a lot of different places, and he’s happy to be a part of the Emmaus family, too. “I always brag about my Haitian students,” he says. “There is a deep desire on their parts to learn truth—the everlasting truths of the uniquely true Christian Faith as revealed in and by the blessed Son of God and the Father. This desire leads to asking penetrating questions, often challenging me with conclusions I have reached in class. They truly leave no stone unturned!”
Another element to the Emmaus classroom that Dr. T cherishes is the passionate desire of the students to take to their villages and churches what they are learning, both through evangelism and discipleship.
The author of twelve books and several articles, Dr. Tsoukalas’s expertise is in Hindu Studies, non-Christian and pseudo-Christian religions, and Christian Theology. He’s also taught for Wesley Biblical Seminary and Wheaton College, and is the founder of Sound Doctrine Ministries. At Emmaus, Dr. Tsoukalas appropriately teaches Islam, Philosophy for Understanding Theology, and Contemporary Religions.
“I am truly privileged to teach the students of Emmaus the truths of the Gospel,” Tsoukalas reflects, “in part because I know they desire to learn such truths, and in part because of the joy I see in their faces for the opportunity. Their posture reflects the privilege they have—to be able to study at a university that stands for the truth as revealed by the Triune God. Passion is what makes my Haitian students incomparable!”