The Lord helped me to graduate in December, and here I am! I still live in Cap-Haitian, and I work in the Children’s Ministry at my church, and I continue to lead worship. I live with my family again, and I’m still taking some English classes.

When I think about where I was four years ago and now, I have I learned so much. My time here at Emmaus truly helped me come to love God and to really be committed to a life of ministry in my future. It helped me grow spiritually most of all.
My focus here that blessed me was the way that Emmaus educates its students…it’s not just about how to study and grow in the word, but how to pray, how to seek the Lord in my own life, how to live as a transformed person…not just study the Bible. That means that now that I have graduated, I am a different person. Though I miss Emmaus so much, I have what I need to live the way His Word teaches, to minister like Jesus did.
I miss the campus life…I miss having a good place to study, I miss having available the books we needed for growth and ministry, and I miss having so many resources in one another here on campus.
My prayer is that the Lord would help me to keep moving in ministry…I want to be a faithful woman of God, a pastor who is effective in the ministry I’m doing.
I pray for good work, and I pray for peace in this country so continually. Thank you for praying with me, all these years, and still!

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