They always tell me that when my mom was pregnant, the whole pregnancy, every time she went to the doctor, they said there was no sign of life. The doctors told her I was dead, and everyone told her to have an abortion. For some reason, she always says that she wouldn’t let me go. When the time came for her to deliver, I was born feet first, and I was very sick and weak, but I was alive.
Neither my mother or my father served God, but they figured someone must have a plan for my life. When I was four or five, my parents split up…they were always fighting.

I stayed with my father and grew up with him. My whole life I was raised in a Catholic family who practiced Voodoo, but I always heard the Gospel being preached from a little church right next to my house.
My family says they will never leave voodoo practices, because when my grandfather was a young boy, an evil spirit came to him and asked my grandfather to serve him. My grandfather agreed, and that spirit became the spirit of our family…he owns the family, the family serves him.
When I was 15, in 2008, my grandfather died. Only a few days later, I was staying at my mom’s house for the weekend, and that night, I had a terrifying and heavy dream. In my dream, there was an evil, dark, heavy presence, and he said that he was my family’s spirit. He told me that I would follow in my grandfather’s footsteps, and now the role of my grandfather to serve him was mine, for my family.
I was terrified at the thought of being chained to this horrible spirit, and I told him NO. He showed me all of these things in my dream…nice clothes, a nice house, a nice car, soccer equipment, and he told me to follow him, and that he would bless me with all of this stuff. I told him NO. Now, he came at me with a spear-like weapon, and said if I would not serve him, he would kill me. I shouted NO, and he stabbed me in the side. I awoke suddenly, and there was a sharp sharp pain in my side.
I had never prayed before, but I called out to Whomever was the furthest away, to Whomever most opposite from this dark and evil spirit, and the pain was gone.
The church next door was always reciting Psalm 46, “Our God is a refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble…” I thought through that Psalm that I had heard them call out so many times, and saw how God had absolutely been my very present help.
As I laid there, I asked God not to let that spirit kill me. God revealed to me that it wasn’t the spirit who was bringing death to my life…but it was my sin.
I got up, I left my mom’s house. I went home, I went to that church, and I asked them to please show me how to repent, how to pray, how to give my life to Jesus.
I was the only believer in my house. A few years later, my father died, and the whole family started arguing and fighting over who the house belonged to. It became awful living there, and finally I left. I moved in with member of my church, and I still live with them to this day.
I heard this message when I was 16 or 17 that has always stuck with me. The pastor said that if we are truly Christ-following young people, then when we finish high school, we can’t just think about what we want and pursue that. He told us that it was GOD who had a plan for our lives, and to ask God what He wanted us to do, and to follow in that path alone.
So, as I finished high school, I was always praying about that, and my church was, too. People kept telling they felt God wanted me to study His Word, and there was even an elder in the church who told me God showed him in a dream that I would study His Word. I prayed about that a lot, even spending three days and nights fasting and praying about what God wanted.
I finally felt peace that this was what God wanted me to do.
Everyone told me to go to Limbay University, where they had a theology program, but I also really wanted to make sure I was in the center of God’s will on WHERE I went, too. I prayed and prayed about “Limbay” and just never felt peace. While I was praying one night, I was listening to Radio4VEH, and a man named Pastor Lucner (the academic dean at EBS) was on, and he was talking about a place called Emmaus. As soon as he said the words, “Emmaus Biblical Seminary,” I was flooded with peace. I prayed more and asked more questions, and knew this was the right place for me to study God’s Word.
I’ve only just started at Emmaus, in September ’16, but I am learning SO MUCH, and better, I am learning how to take what I am learning and transmit it well for others. I loved the preaching class…and am looking forward to studying more.
Pray for me, that I will always stay right in the middle of His will for my life. Pray that He will help me persevere, and that He’ll continue to provide for His calling on my life! Thank you!
YES, Sundy needs a sponsor!! If you are interested in partnering with Sundy, and/or students like him, jot me an email and I would love to hook you up!
Partnering with one of our students means that you commit to providing a scholarship in their name and to praying for them. It also means that you can be in contact with them through Emmaus if you want, visit them and get to know them as much as you’d like. You’ll hear from your student throughout your partnership either way!
There are two ways to provide a scholarship (a full scholarship is $2000/year, but scholarships in ANY amount are greatly needed!) for one of our students…