If you are planning your next Mission Trip to Haiti, check out Emmaus University. We have a guesthouse loft just for teams able to sleep 12-14 people, with 3 baths, full kitchen, and den for you to enjoy. We have 24 hour electric, wireless internet,...Read More
Emmaus Community and Friends, In January 2017, Emmaus Biblical Seminary celebrated its 50thanniversary. This was a time of rejoicing and thanksgiving for God’s grace that enabled Emmaus to fulfill its calling and mission to develop Christ-like leaders for the transformation of Haiti and the world...Read More
Emmaus is now officially a member of ECFA, the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability! ECFA has been providing accreditation to leading Christian nonprofit organizations that faithfully demonstrate compliance with established standards for financial accountability, fundraising and board governance since 1979. Being ECFA accredited enhances trust...Read More
Aren’t these the guys who were supposed to be in Italy and back again by now? Yep, they are. But for 14 months, we have been working and re-routing and applying and reaching out and reapplying and pursuing and investigating new routes, and the door...Read More
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