Pastor Cebien Alexis (class of 1981) has dedicated his entire adult life to the ministry of the gospel in his native Haiti. The primary aim of EBAC’s ministry is to spread the gospel and plant churches. Since 1971, he has planted over 200 churches throughout the country.
Read more about Paster Cebien here.
Content courtesy of olivecove.org
EBAC is headquartered near Cap Haitien but their work extends over broad sections of the country and focuses mainly on areas where no other evangelical church exists. The majority of its churches are in the North, Northeast, Northwest, and Central regions. In these areas are some of the poorest and hardest-to-reach villages in Haiti, far from the capital city of Port-au-Prince and largely ignored by the government and non-governmental organizations. Some churches are even in the Dominican Republic, among Haitians who work in the sugar cane fields.
EBAC helps provide buildings for thriving churches. At its planting, a church may meet under a palm-frond roof supported by crooked poles. Some churches, called “blanket churches,” drape sheets around the structure to give a sense of propriety once service begins.
Besides conducting large evangelistic crusades four times a year, Cebien is always witnessing. Whatever will draw a crowd becomes an opportunity for evangelism.
Also, every other weekend Cebien gets into his SUV and heads out to visit and encourage different churches. Often witch doctors have even come to Christ through his targeted outreach.