Welcome Mark and Marybeth Leavell! The Leavells moved to Emmaus this week from West Africa Theological Seminary (WATS) in Nigeria and will be serving with us as the EBS Librarian (Dr. Mark) and the VP for Academics (Dr. Marybeth). We are very excited to have them on the Emmaus team as we head into a new academic year!

Mark has served in many different roles during the 50+ years of his adult life. Educator, School Psychologist, Marriage and Family Counselor, Associate Pastor, businessman, computer programmer, IT Director, grant writer and seminary professor among several others. Most recently, he facilitated the implementation of a new Library Management software in collaboration with Asbury Theological Seminary, and directed a comprehensive renovation of the library at West Africa Theological Seminary in Lagos, Nigeria.
Marybeth was born in Colorado, USA, where she lived for 42 years, prior to moving to the Atlanta, Georgia, area in 2001. She has worked with various populations in non-profit settings, including private practice mental health counselor focusing on women’s issues, Hospital Administrator, Nursing Home Administrator, secondary education teacher and administrator, and seminary teacher and administrator. Since 2016, she has served at West Africa Theological Seminary in Lagos, Nigeria, as the Acting Academic Dean and Provost for the past two years. Marybeth and Mark, have been married 32 years and have two sons, two wonderful daughters-in-law, and six grandchildren.