Dear friend,
I am speaking as a Haitian who knows and understands the historical setting, the religious proclivity, the socio-political climates, and the environmental landscape of my native land: I have never been so convinced that Emmaus is vital for the redemption, salvation, and transformation of Haiti.
Haiti desperately needs a group of young people influenced and empowered by a sound biblical worldview who see themselves as legitimate children of God anointed to rebuild the ruins of a nation. I truly believe the Haiti we have all been praying for is possible in just one generation.
The good news is that God has given us just that! He has already placed the oasis that is Emmaus in the middle of the desert. God has already cranked the engine to pull the wagon of change in Haiti, and I am so excited with you to be a part of this engine that is already in motion. We are already in gear for another transforming academic year.
We are created and called as Christ-followers to lead the way. While people around us are lamenting over the current state of life in Haiti–and rightly so–we step out by faith. By doing so, we invite people to look and see what the Lord is doing through Emmaus.
While everything around us is crushing down, Emmaus University is growing up. We add a new bachelor’s in business this year. We begin this term with 258 students, which means we have enrolled 72 new students!
As the living cost keeps going up, our faith keeps growing, too. As despair is gripping our country, our hope is bolstering. As discouragement is taking a toll, our resilience is persevering and leading to victories.
We thank you for standing by us through your prayers and support…please carry on with us! You are crucial to our existence, and I thank God for you. God is the ultimate source of all our provision. Yet, I know He uses you as a channel to pump out His blessings into Emmaus, the oasis in Haiti.