I was born into a Christian family, where my mother, who had 11 children, was always in the Gospel. I grew up under her teaching and discipleship, and when I was 12, I heard a message preached that touched my heart and led me to committing my life to Jesus. Even though I grew up hearing about the love of God, I realized that I truly wanted to be His child.
After I converted, I found myself less prone to fighting and lying. It wasn’t an effort on my part not to do those things. It was that I found myself wanting different things when I started following Jesus. When I was 15, I started helping in the children’s ministry at church, and I was always sharing my testimony with the kids, how they could follow Him. I became the leader of our youth group, and I still am today.
I loved the church and serving there, but I hated the way people treated pastors. So, when I was old enough, I started studying administration. However, the more I studied, the more it felt like I wasn’t being faithful to the calling God had on my life.
People in my church kept telling me about Emmaus, and finally it seemed very clear. We cannot sleep on the will of God. I said I would come, and I have never looked back, nor do I have any regrets over being obedient. I feel at peace now, no longer avoiding what seems to be His will.
My favorite thing about Emmaus? Easy. People truly live together well here. It is clear, immediately, that the professors are very competent, food is served every day, the classrooms are clean and safe…this is a good place.
The vision I have from God for ministry is with children. Children are always coming for help, and I want to know more so that I can teach them better. The children of Haiti, they deserve good, solid teaching of the Good News, and I want to be able to do that.

I hate the way the children in this country suffer, and I want to come alongside them and give them the Hope I have in the Gospel. I love living alongside of them, and I feel called to use the gifts and patience and support I am getting to work with those who are neglected by the world.
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