My mom and dad weren’t together, so I lived with my mom in Balan sometimes, and with my dad’s family more often, in Gonaïves. No matter who I lived with, none of us were believers.
When I was a teenager, I was hanging out with my friends in the streets of Gonaïves, and there was a group of people who were preaching the Gospel and talking to people. They approached my friends and I that day, in 2013, and through those men and women I heard the Gospel and gave my life to Christ.

I had never heard the Gospel until then, but let me tell you, my life started changing. I was baptized and started going to church. My mother had since become a believer, and I quickly realized that if I was going to follow Jesus, I needed leave my father’s house and live with her. I was 14.
While I was in high school, I did an eight day youth retreat. Some older members of the church came and prayed for us, and one of the women who was praying over me told me to go that I should go into ministry.
I told her that that was not my plan, but to study law, but she asked me to pray about it. I told the Lord that if He wanted me to study His Word and learn how to share it better, He was going to have to make it clear, clear, clear.
I asked for lots of signs, and on my own, I resisted.
My friends told me not to be a pastor, because pastors are thieves. My mentor told me she was praying, and to pursue it. But I kept asking the Lord, asking the Lord for His clarification. And you know what the Lord finally told me?
The Lord told me to be something set apart for Him. The Lord told me to care for His sheep, but in HIS way.
As soon as I had that peace, that call, I came. My good friend Shneidine was studying the Bible at Emmaus, and as soon as I got here, I knew I would be, too.
I love my classes, I love my English class, my methodology class, my Introduction to the Bible Class with Pastor FanFan. Whatever the class, it’s not the content, but the professors that make me love my classes. Heavens, they know what they are doing and are so patient and passionate about what they are teaching!

What I was most stressed about was being new, and coming to live with all these new women. Women in Haiti can be so rough…critical and unkind and jealous, especially to new people, but this was my first genuine realization that Emmaus is altogether different. These sisters have welcomed me from the very first moment. They have loved me well and brought me in and I cherish this community, God’s gift as I try to obey His calling!
Pray that God will keep me in His way, His path, and that He would provide!
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