As you read this, our fourth year class is celebrating one last worship service together in the chapel in the middle of campus, 10 men are bending rebar in the rain around the newly poured posts of the new classroom building, 25 Master’s of the Arts in Christian Leadership students are working with Dr. Gail, another three Master’s cohorts are arriving for their classes at 1 PM, and the undergrad students who aren’t in...Read More
We were thrilled to have Pastor Dave Strope from West Park United Methodist Church with us last week to teach Biblical Paradigms for Leadership in our Masters of Christian Leadership program. While on campus, Pastor Dave also preached in chapel on the importance of servant leadership. What we love about Pastor Dave is that he not only teaches about servant leadership, but he is a servant leader. At EBS, our faculty ARE our curriculum.Read More
EBS Rector Dr. Matt Ayars and his family will be at these locations for speaking engagements this summer. May 18–21 Northridge Church, Sabetha, KSJune 3 Seeds of Greatness Bible Church, New Castle, DEJune 9–10 Cornerstone Church, Bear DEJune 21 New Bedford Presbyterian Church, Pulaski, PAJune 24 Grace Ministries Church, Lockbourne, OHRead More
Emmaus was blessed Friday to have Dr. Charles Lake preach in chapel, speaking from Ephesians about replacing anger with compassion and bitterness with forgiveness. His practical and powerful message was a great challenge to head into ministry this weekend! Emmaüs a eu la bénédiction aujourd’hui d’inviter le Dr. Charles Lake à prêcher dans la chapelle, parlant d’Éphésiens sur le remplacement de la colère par la compassion et l’amertume par le...Read More
Wednesday was inspiring, to say the least. With the mountain setting the stage for the glory of God, Emmaus staff, students, visitors and the board of trustees came together for Academic Convocation to commit our first year students and new Master’s students to His Word and His Work. Read the Convocation Address A church from Cap-Haitian sent a fabulous men’s singing group, the EBS worship team filled the campus with...Read More
Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Donec sed odio dui. Etiam porta sem malesuada.