Reaching the Heart of Haiti


We had a wonderful last day of the 2015–2016 Academic Year. We had a nice communion service as well as some end-of-the-year festivities. Pray for the students as they minister full-time during summer vacation. Pray in particular for the EBS discipleship groups in Makati, Fèv, Sakanvil, and Piallatre. Also pray for the Graduation Banquet (May...
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Sunday morning, Matt preached at Fev. I finally got to go. As we headed home a few hours later, I was incredibly touched and proud, overwhelminglyproud of our staff and students who have been faithfully faithful to making Him known in Fev. Don’t get me wrong. I wasn’t incredibly proud because Fev was awesome. I was...
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Greetings! A few weeks ago, Emmaus Biblical Seminary launched a disciple-making program that specifically targets unreached people groups in Haiti. Junior Cineas, the program coordinator, started a discipleship group not far from the seminary campus that has now grown into a full-church that is now being pastored by EBS graduate Walnique Cenat (2014). This past...
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