This is a busy week at EBS! In addition to our normal undergraduate courses, we have two graduate courses happening this week: Philosophy of Christian Education (Indiana Wesleyan University’s Masters in Theological Studies) – Dr. Joyce Thornton (Marion, IN) Biblical Paradigms for Ministry (EBS’s MA in Christian Leadership) – Pastor Dave Strope (Bridgeton, NJ)Read More
We had the most just GOOD convocation service this past Wednesday. It was just GOOD. The worship was fantastic. The sermon was convicting and humbling, the prayer time was powerful, praying over our first year class was beautiful. Listening to them read their commitment to holy living and humble service and to be family…reading with...Read More
Last week seven (not four!) individuals were baptized at the new EBS church plant at Difou! The church is growing quickly for a bright future. We have a pastor in place along with a church committee and a draft for a church constitution. They currently need: (1) land on which they can worship, (2) benches, (3)...Read More
I grew up going to the Haitian Catholic Church, listening to the same liturgy over and over, always the same thing, always on repeat. But to be Haitian, in my family, was to be of a Haitian Catholic Voodoo worldview. When I got older, I became really ill, and had fever and pains in my stomach...Read More
Dec 5–9 marked the start of activity for the MTS program delivered by Indiana Wesleyan University on the EBS campus! The course was Christian Worldview taught by Professor Marc Mailloux who served as a missionary in France for over twenty years. Thanks to all who made it a success! Special thanks to Fanfan Joseph!Read More
I (Stacey) sent out this update for EBS today, and wanted to share it with you, too, from today: Long before the sun had it’s chance this morning, powerful songs of praiseradiating from the chapel woke our family. At first I was confused, and then remembered that on the last day of everysemester, deliberate times of...Read More
It is hard to believe that this is our last week together at Emmaus Biblical Seminary for 2016! Monday, President Matt Ayars preached on the paradoxical truth of Christmas…ALL that God is–His sovereignty, His grace, His love, His power–all wrapped up in a tiny baby. If He can do THAT, surely He can take all...Read More
They were ready to go, a dear invested brother jumped in and covered the trip (12 people, 4 days and nights, food, water, borrowed sound system, generator, fuel, Bibles, transportation and tent materials…$247 USD) and that’s how a part of the Emmaus body spent last weekend. My very favorite part about these trips is when...Read More
Aldy and I (Stacey) have been a lot of places together the past four years. Anytime I’ve said, “Is anybody willing to go…” Aldy and Moliere have said, “Yes.” We’ve walked narrow paths. We’ve planned services. We’ve climbed mountains We’ve even forded rivers. But the one place we hadn’t gone was home. Aldy lives at...Read More
Our Reaching the Heart of Haiti Team has entered into a new zone sharing the Gospel and making disciples. Here are some photos. We will follow up with details soon. In the meantime, be praying for the discipleship groups at Difou.Read More
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